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U.S.A.F. B-2A Spirit

Stealth Bomber

Modelcollect | No. UA72201 | 1:72

Boxart B-2A Spirit UA72201 Modelcollect


U.S.A.F. B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber
Целовита макета
2017 Нови алат
Бар код:
4250580581598 (EAN)
Чврста кутија (са поклопцем)
Northrop B-2 Spirit » Млазњаци (Летелице)


Northrop B-2 Spirit

Northrop B-2A Spirit
US US Air Force (1947-now)

Садржај кутије

420x320x100 mm (16.5x12.6x3.9 inch)

Временски оквир производа

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Преузимање 3306Kb (.pdf)


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(FineScale Modeler Volume 36 Issue 6)
FineScale Modeler | Volume 36 Issue 6
English (TOC: 20 lines)
July 2018
(Model Aircraft Monthly Volume 17 Issue 12)
Model Aircraft Monthly | Volume 17 Issue 12
English (TOC: 14 lines)
December 2018
(Wingmasters 123)
Wingmasters | 123
French (TOC: 20 lines)
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Dimitris Veletas
I received this model kit lately. The kit is much much better than Testors and more sturby and better plastic quality.
i was very impressed with the instruction manual that have inside, is very detailed, colorful and quite big.
the details of the panels are quite deep for the scale. it will fit at 1/48 and not for 1/72 scale.
That was the only disappointing thing.
i would suggest to purchase 2 resin sets for the cockpit and is will be nice from eduard kit to use the front landing gear detailed set to make it more realistic.
A dry fit with the main structure main fuselage and wings a small gap was between them. You can put a 0,03 plastic sheet before you glue and it will be perfect.
Modelcollect kit is quite better than testors but need attention to improve it yourself.
it depends who much details you would like to add at the model kit.
1 11 January 2018, 07:14
Vegard Øksenholt
 19 January 2018, 22:57
Markus Antonius
would make up for a nice refuelling scene with a kc 135...
 20 January 2018, 08:15
Aris Grey
Thanks Dimitri
 22 January 2018, 20:33
Sam R.
To fix the panel lines, Nigel's Modelling Bench on YouTube did some videos on this kit. He filled the panel lines with Mr.Surfacer and then used alcohol to rub away the excess. If you get the Big Ed he also did a video on fitting some of the parts in front of the intakes and making it look better. Definitely worth the watch
 29 December 2020, 16:46
Santosh G
I had a look on their website and there is a good deal going on for pre-orders... $50USD for the kit. then it goes up to $150USD..
I am not getting it cause I still have to make the Testors version I have from the 90s!
22 September 2016, 06:34
For that money I can get testors kit and all the upgrades that are available for it.
 29 September 2016, 05:54
Santosh G Аутор
You would be right seeing as the Testors one is over 25 years old
 29 September 2016, 07:13
Vinny Panda
£88 here in the UK....too much for a model kit.
 17 February 2018, 20:15
Santosh G Аутор
The Details on the Modelcollect version is great but still too much for me.. I am not an expert builder so will stick with my Testors B2
 18 February 2018, 04:04


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1:72 B-2A Spirit (Modelcollect UA72201)


Northrop B-2A Spirit 1:72
Northrop B-2A Spirit
Modelcollect 1:72
од стране George Thomadakis на ARC Air

Референтни материјал

Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit (Airmark Media 9)
Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit In Profile & In Scale
Airmark Airguide No. 9
Andy Evans
Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit (Phoenix Scale Publications 9)
Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Airmark In Profile & In Scale
Modellers Airguide No. 9
Andy Evans

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