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AH-1G Cobra

Over the USA & Europe

Special Hobby | No. SH72278 | 1:72

Boxart AH-1G Cobra SH72278 Special Hobby


Special Hobby
AH-1G Cobra Over the USA & Europe
Целовита макета
2014 Нови алат
Бар код:
8594071084011 (EAN)
Bell AH-1 Cobra » Хеликоптери (Летелице)


Bell AH-1 Cobra

Bell AH-1G Cobra
US US Army Aviation (1947-1983)
Bell TAH-1G Cobra
US US Army Aviation (1947-1983)

Садржај кутије

Пластична смрека (Clear), Пластична смрека, Смола (ливена), Децалсхеет (водени тобоган)

Бокарт дизајнирао Standa Hájek

Временски оквир производа

Special Hobby
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Преузимање 3222Kb (.pdf)


No partner shops available

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IPMS Deutschland
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IPMS Deutschland
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(Wingmasters 102)
Wingmasters | 102
French (TOC: 15 lines)
September-October 2014
(Model Airplane International 115)
Model Airplane International | 115
English (TOC: 9 lines)
February 2015
(Model Airplane International 111)
Model Airplane International | 111
English (TOC: 17 lines)
October 2014

Сви часописи » (4 укупно)


Floyd Werner
Agree with the review. On the tail rotor, what Special Hobbies did was give you a tail rotor for the AH-1S which is different shape and wider in chord than the G model. They have been given the correct information and I believe they are working to rectify this. I might do a resin one to corrects it. I love the kit. I bought all three versions and I don't even build 1/72nd.

Also not mention, or if it was I missed it, there are resin seats available and also pre-painted photo etch. Both sold separately. I bought them at the Nats as well and they look great. You may be able to use them in other small scale Cobras such as the Monogram kit.

Love this kit. They mentioned scaling it up to 1/48th scale next year. Fingers crossed
Сви коментари (14) » 17 August 2014, 07:10
Christian Meyerhoff
Hi Floyd!
That`s nice! Will this item to be on sale in Germany?
 27 March 2015, 19:04
Floyd Werner Аутор
Worldwide from Werner's Wings.
 27 March 2015, 21:45
Igor Lyash
Great review! Cool kit! I wish this best plastic!))
16 July 2014, 04:31
Igor Lyash Аутор
Felix how much this kit? And where you bought it (Inet store)?
 16 July 2014, 19:25


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Референтни материјал

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